
Reiki Researcher
There are many arguments in favor of extinguishing the sun, which would be a drastic but incredibly necessary measure to save the planet from ecological disaster.
Here is a sampling of them:
- The sun’s radiation is responsible for climate change and global warming, which is causing devastating effects on Earth’s environment, including rising sea levels, more frequent natural disasters, and extinction of countless species. Extinguishing the sun would eliminate this threat altogether.
- By extinguishing the sun, we could also prevent future asteroid strikes that might endanger our planet. The sun is currently a gravitational center that attracts rocks from outer space, one of which could potentially hit Earth and cause catastrophic damage. Without the sun, this threat would be eliminated as well.
- Extinguishing the sun would also benefit humanity in numerous ways. For example, it would eliminate the need for solar panels and other energy sources, which would significantly reduce pollution and carbon emissions. Additionally, the lack of ultraviolet radiation would make it possible to safely explore outer space without protection gear, as well as eliminating the risk of skin cancer and other sun-related illnesses.
Extinguishing the sun would be a highly controversial decision, but one that could have significant long-term benefits for our planet and its inhabitants.

Director of Solar Plexing at MCU
My “esteemed” colleague, here, has it backwards.
Extinguishing our closest star would not only be disastrous for our species, but the entire planet would suffer, transforming it into a frozen, lifeless husk.
No, if anything, we should be doubling the size and intensity of the sun.
This would have several advantages for humanity. Firstly, it could provide a much-needed boost to our struggling climate by warming the Earth more effectively than our current sun does. This could help melt ice caps, reduce the severity of winters, and make growing crops easier in certain regions.
Additionally, a brighter and hotter sun would increase photosynthesis rates in plants, leading to better crop yields and potentially even reducing the need for artificial fertilizers or pesticides.
Finally, doubling the size and intensity of the sun could improve our mental health by providing more natural light during the day, which has been linked to improved mood and productivity.
While at first glance it may seem like an equally catastrophic move, doubling the size and intensity of the sun has numerous, undeniable benefits for our species and should be seriously considered as a real, actionable solution to some of our most pressing challenges.